Success is a 2-word lane
It is the 1990’s and anyone would say it is a regular day
He works at a video store, making a wage.
The sun is glaring and people are making millions
Engineers, Doctors, Businessmen — all of them
He wants to be a film director but he never went to film school.
But he has what the people didn’t — a vision
He wanted to create a movie.
Not ‘The Movie’. Not a ‘Blockbuster Hit’. Not ‘The Best Movie Ever Seen’
At 26 he started by channeling his passion, writing the story, and finally building what he wanted. He knew it wasn’t any good. He saw the final footage and he realized — he wasn’t as good as he thought he was.
The movie footage was raw, unpolished, and inexperienced. Depressed and unmotivated (as anyone else would be) he had a choice.
Choice 1: Continue work at the store. Maybe go to film school. Learn about filmmaking. Or just quit?
Choice 2: Just put the damn art out there.
That’s how you got ‘Reservoir Dogs’. And that he is Quintin Tarontino.
One of the most celebrated names in the film industry.
Even though his first movie might have been a failure — he didn’t stop.
The lane to success
So What.
This is just one of many examples of people choosing the tougher path in order to do what they want.
You are reading this and you already have a picture in your mind of what your future would look like.
Every success story starts with the protagonist choosing themselves when they should’ve chosen the society.
“So What”
So what if you might have lesser pay for the next 6 months
So what if you didn’t go to college like all the other people
So what if you had a traumatic past
So what if you are afraid of humiliation or not being good enough
Each morning when you wake up and you push that thought of starting something of your own down your thought — you’re listening to your lower self.
The fact that you’re at times angry at your self is because there is a higher self inside of you that knows what you’re capable of
You don’t have to be a genius
Being a genius is a myth.
When I was starting my one-person business I thought this too
“I’m average. How will the world be better by having one more blogger”
One lucky day I read about the Comedian Steve Martin, he said
“Be so good that they can’t ignore you. Just focus on being good”
And that’s 100% true. You’ll see people giving lectures about how to build an audience or write articles that please 1,000 people.
But, in reality, when you practice things over time and get true to your art- you don’t attract the people anymore, they are attracted to you.
You put in your work, and let it sow. Over time you let people find you.
You don’t have to be a genius, you have to be curious.
Curious enough to explore your interests and curious enough to show it to the world.
Don’t wait for someone to knock your door
Are you waiting for a sign?
Or just delyaing the work because “you want to research on the area before starting”
maybe it’s the “what’s the point” talking.
In reality, the internet is one place that will accept you with open arms. A person making $1000 gets the same celebration as someone who just made their first $1 online.
There is no entry free, no gatekeeping and no lack of opportunities.
When you riddle yourself with what are the things stopping you, you’ll be at a dead end with no explanations.
No excuses.
Give your dream a chance.
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