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The Paradox of Happiness



Photo by Jens Lindner on Unsplash

It’s one of those sunny days on a chilly winter morning where the sun's rays just hit you right. The breeze freezes past you but the sunlight keeps you warm, like a hug from a grandparent making sure you’re alright. You make your bed and set the bedsheets.

You open the fridge, take out the eggs, milk, butter and all other things you need; making breakfast while the water gets warm enough for a good bath. You drink your morning milkshake and pack lunch for your office. The warm bath fuzzes you up and life has never been easier. You appreciate the food on your table, the water running in the basin and the roof on your head.

Unless. Unless you ride the cab and see someone driving your dream car while blasting 90’s pop hits. In the subway, you see a couple holding each other lovingly. You see someone holding a phone that is twice as expensive as yours. In the office, you see someone much younger than you and is in a much higher position than you. You see someone get all the appreciation for a project you worked on. You see, a sunny day, ruined.

The Peculiarity of Happiness

It’s a strange thing, isn’t it? The way we’ve turned happiness into a destination rather than a journey. A competition where we believe there can only be one winner. A summit rather…




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